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by Justice Nnanna


Centered on ‘Konye Ki Cingi’, a Ugandan Women’s Empowerment Group, started by female survivors of the brutal, decades-long, Northern Ugandan War. In search of rehabilitation, economic stability, and emotional support, the women of Konye Ki Cingi work together to achieve their goals, insert their independence, and support their families in the rural village of Agwata. 


Director, Justice Nnanna

Thank you for watching my film.
We are working on making this into a powerful feature and your feedback will be invaluable.
Love, Justice



Justice Nnanna is a Nigerian-American non-fiction Director and Artist. He graduated from NYU Tisch School of the Arts & studied Theater at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London.

He was gifted a camera by his Grammy at 14 and has been making images since. His work is predominately non-fiction inspired and explores ways of seeing social-political experiences. He’s interested in discovering the cross-cultural effects of globalization and using non-verbal methods of communication to comment on the contemporary human experience.

Experimentation and play are central to his creative practice. He’s worked across five continents and is eager to continue telling important stories in a contemporary way. Through his mid-20’s, his work has been centered around connecting the African Diaspora through images that expand our understanding of experiences in the diaspora.

In 2019, Nnanna’s work will show at the UN Women’s Council,  The Brooklyn Film Festival, The Chale Wote Street Art Festival in Accra, The Red Bull Music Festival in Los Angeles, Artspace in Connecticut, The Block Museum of Art in Chicago, and the New York University Forum for Health in Theatre in NYC.

In 2019, his short film “Megolonyo: With a Mother You Are Rich” won a SIMA (Social Impact Media Award). “Megolonyo” tells the story of ‘Konye Ki Cingi’, a Ugandan Women’s Empowerment Group, started by female survivors of the decades-long, Northern Ugandan War.

Copyright © SIMA RAMA 2020